Broken Stones
Raised by a single mother with hatred for a father living out his life in a super max security prison, JT struggles to find his way through life as a young boy in a small town in Illinois. With an arrogant, selfish, vile attitude and mouth, JT barely squeaked through high school. He needed his one and only friend, Caleb Shepherd, to help him maintain a C average just to stay on the football team for his senior year.
After graduation, on a wilderness canoe trip in the Border Water Canoe Area (BWCA), JT witnessed an accident that for the first time in his life brought him to feel sorry for someone else.
Upon returning home after the canoe trip, JT is invited to visit his despised father in prison. Does finishing high school, playing football, the canoe accident, and the visit to see his dad have any effect on JT’s arrogant, selfish, vile attitude and mouth?